泳池水線安排Swimming Pool Lane Arrangement 按此前往Click Here

- 所有場地使用者,必須為本會會友。有意訂用場地之會友,請攜同有效之會友證,親臨本會所地下票務處辦理,不設留位,繳費作實。請於租用時間,憑有效票據領用場地。
- 如欲使用儲物櫃,請憑有效之會友證連同當次租用場地有效收據於地下票務處繳費辦理。每次使用儲物櫃收費為 $ 10元。儲物櫃只供存放個人普通衣物,請勿存放貴重物品。如有遺失,本會所恕不負責。
- 遺失儲物櫃匙須繳換鎖費 $ 110元。 基於保安理由,使用期間儲物櫃鎖匙不得帶離本會所,而使用後需立即歸還到各樓層之接待處,否則作遺失鎖匙論,會友須繳付換鎖費。
- 各場地計時均以每小時零分起計。
- 租用場地只限作該收費項目之練習用途,使用人數不得超越合理數目;非經本會同意,租用場地不得更調、轉讓,亦不得作集會、私人教授及比賽用途。
- 如已預約之場地設施(6/F綜合體育館)因惡劣天氣而關閉,會友可補訂七日內可供預約之時段,或於三十天內(包括原本用場當日)就未能使用的段節申請退款。時間更改只安排一次,一經確定,不作退費。
- 如欲租用本會所綜合體育館(作集會用途)、舞蹈室或活動室等,只限本會團體會友、註冊社團及學校申請,個人租用恕不接受。請與事務組(2783 3610)洽詢。
- 如欲租用本會四樓室內溫水泳池之泳線,只限本會團體會友、註冊社團及學校申請,個人租用恕不接受。每線每小時 $ 400元正,請與九龍會所(2783 3636)洽詢。
- All facility users must hold valid membership cards. Facilities booking should be made in person at G/F Ticketing Office. No reservation or booking by phone is accepted. Please present the receipts for the use of our facilities.
- For locker rental, please present your valid membership card and the receipt of facilities booking at G/F Ticketing Office. $10 will be charged per session. Please do not store valuables in lockers. Our Centre will not be responsible for items lost.
- A lock replacement fee of $110 will be charged for locker key lost. For security reasons, all locker keys should not be taken away from the Centre and should be returned to the corresponding counters immediately after use. Otherwise, a replacement fee will be charged on the same term as key lost.
- All sessions start at the hour time sharp.
- All facilities are for their designated use only. Number of users should not exceed a reasonable range. Bookings cannot be changed and are non-transferrable without consent from Our Centre. Facilities should not be used for assembly, private tuition or competition purposes.
- If a confirmed booking of 6/F Multi-purpose Gymnasium has to be cancelled due to inclement weather, members may apply for reallocation to any available session(s) within 7 days or refund of the facility booking charges for the unused session(s) within 30 days, inclusive of the day of the original booking. Once the reallocation is confirmed, no further changes or refund is allowed.
- To book our Multi-purpose Gymnasium (for assembly), Dance Studio, or Activity Rooms, please call 2783 3610. (Available to our Group members, registered groups or schools only. Not available to individual members)
- To book our swimming pool lanes, please call 2783 3636. $400 will be charged for each lane per hour. (Available to our Group members, registered groups or schools only. Not available to individual members)
場地收費及開放時間一覽表Facilities Charges and Opening Hours (文字版TEXT) 按此下載Download PDF