



費用全免  名額有限


‧ 以市民日常容易接觸的運動 — 游泳作起始,舉辦游泳訓練班,讓區內人士在專業教練帶領下學習游泳技術。課程完畢後亦可繼續善用區內的康體設施,延續恆常運動的習慣,建立健康人生。
‧ 期望參加者於訓練期間及完成訓練後,透過其個人網絡或參與本會活動向社區推廣運動的好處。
Course Objectives :
‧ To use swimming, an accessible sport, as a starting point to organise training courses for the people in the district to learn swimming skills under the guidance of professional coaches, so that they can keep the habit of regular exercise after completing the course by making good use of the recreation and sports facilities in the district and establish a healthy lifestyle.
‧ Participants are expected to use their personal network or participate in our activities to promote the merits of exercising in the community during and after the training.


活動對象 :
1. 15歲或以上,及;
2. 於油尖旺區內居住/就業/就讀,及;
3. 基層市民或少數族裔人士*
Target Participant :
1. Aged 15 or above, and;
2. Living/working/studying in Yau Tsim Mong District, and;
3. Grass-roots or ethnic minorities*
*Grass-roots means persons receiving subsidy under Financial Assistance Schemes for
Students, Working Family Allowance Scheme or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme


Quota : not more than 60 (not more than 6 persons per class)
Date : Oct to Dec 2024
Venue : Indoor Swimming Pool, 4/F Activity Building, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Kowloon Centre, 23 Waterloo Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.
Deadline for Enrolment : 18/9/2024
*Participants receiving subsidies under "Financial Assistance Schemes for Students", "Working Family Allowance Scheme", "Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme" or Ethnic Minorities will be on first priority. The remaining quotas will be on first come, first served basis. Participants will be notified of the balloting result by phone or whatsapp or email from 21 September. To accept the offer, applicants have to pay a deposit of $100 in person at G/F Ticketing Office of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Kowloon Centre from 21 to 30 September. Only participants who have met the attendance requirement of 80% will be entitled to a refund of the deposit.


1. 網上報名Online Application: 

2. 親臨九龍會所票務處Enroll in person from Kowloon Centre Ticketing Office:
 按此下載報名表Download the Enrolment Form
 開放時間:星期一至六 0830 - 2100 / 星期日 1000 - 2100
 Service Hours : Mon to Sat 0830 - 2100 / Sun 1000 - 2100


2783 3636 鄭小姐Ms Cheng/李小姐Ms Lee